Q & A: Are Dextrose and Stevia Safe?

Q: After buying Organic Stevia Blend, I noticed when I got home that it contained dextrose. Because it is organic, I am hoping that the dextrose won’t be problematic. But isn’t it one of the sugars we shouldn’t eat?

A: Dextrose is a simple sugar that is made from corn. Consuming added sugar like dextrose is OK in moderation.

Remember small amounts of concentrated sugar from brown sugar, granulated sugar or honey are okay too!

But consuming excess calories from simple sugar is associated with higher body mass index and the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Did you know the average adult in America consumes about 400-500 calories of added sugar in one day? Added sugar is hiding in so many foods! Click here to “eat” virtual meals and find out how much added sugar you consume on an average day.

Children 2-18 years old and adults should limit added sugar to no more than 100 calories (25 grams, or 6 teaspoons) per day.

A note on Stevia: The stevia plant has been used a for thousands of years in other cultures and it is on the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list.

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